Tuesday, July 13, 2010

assignment 1 (pictures and meaning)

in this post i will explain why i chose the main pictures for the e-wallpaper.

the first picture which is the FOM cafe. this picture to show the coziness of the faculty. to show that FOM has it's own cafe for the students and staffs to relax on their free or break time. it also shows that the faculty building is quite spacious.

second picture is the FOM signboard. this picture is to emphasize that FOM is stands for faculty of management since it is going to view by other people that is not studying or working in mmu.

the last picture is me and my friends. this picture to represent friendship or strong bonds between students. it shows that FOM offers a very conducive environment for student to study, making friends and experiencing.

the top text in the wallpaper is to announce to people that mmu is having FOM open day. the text "be a part of us" is to invite other people to join in faculty of management in mmu.

another text is at the bottom of the signboard which stated the date of the open day and also listing what FOM can offer to the students which are cafe,equipped classroom, tutorial room, computer lab, and friendship as demonstrated in the previous image.

thank you.

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